Συμβουλές Κηπουρικής

Ορχιδέα Cambria

The strange thing about this orchid is the fact that it does not grow naturally in any part of the earth like other orchids. It is a hybrid, meaning it was created by crossing other orchids. It steals impressions with its beautiful flowers that have a huge variety of colors. Red, orange, brown, pink, white, purple, yellow, burgundy as well as two or three colors in all possible combinations. Even more impressive is the fact that we can enjoy them for a long time, from spring to autumn.


The orchid is happy near a window with some direct sun in the morning or afternoon. He especially loves the coolness. The ideal temperature for it is 10-13oC at night and 18-22oC during the day. This day-night temperature difference is necessary to promote flowering.


The orchid is watered by placing the pot in a basin of water for about 10 minutes so that the plant absorbs as much water as it needs. We don’t let the soil dry out completely, but neither do we let it soak because the roots rot very easily. Fertilization is done in the pre-flowering period, i.e. late winter to early spring with liquid fertilizer specific for orchids. When the plant has grown a lot and the roots need more space, we will transplant it into a pot one size larger. This happens about every 2-3 years.

Health tips

The orchid is hardly affected by enemies and diseases. It is only at risk from excessive water which rots its roots. That’s why we always take care not to overdo it with watering.

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